All boys. All boarding. Grades 9-12.

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Talon Earns High Praise from Columbia Scholastic Press Association

The Columbia Scholastic Press Association this week recognized The Talon, Woodberry Forest’s student-run literary magazine, with a Gold rating and All-Columbian honors in three areas.

Judges evalaluated the two issues published in the 2016-17 school year, The Talon’s sixty-eighth year of publication. Jackson Monroe '17 and Chris Oldham ’17 were editors-in-chief of the issues. Section editors included Trip Hurley ’18 (Photography), Maxwell Johns ’18 (Poetry), Kyle Kauffman ’18 (Prose), and Ashby Shores ’19 (Junior Editor).

The evaluating judge noted that “both volumes’ editorial statements challenge readers both to create and express as well as to examine and ponder these concepts in the world around them, in their personal histories, and in their developing beliefs, plans, and values.”

The judge also said many of the works of art presented in The Talon “could compete on the collegiate level or succeed in a professional gallery.

“Students, faculty, and administrators of Woodberry Forest School can be justly proud of these literary-art magazines,” the judge said. “They truly represent the best of their kind, and demonstrate the excellence and commitment of the educational community that generated them.”

View The Talon issues
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