All boys. All boarding. Grades 9-12.

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Eighteen Complete Senior Distinction Projects

Eighteen Woodberry Forest sixth formers spent their final marking period during the spring of 2017 engaging in intensive projects of both an intellectual and creative nature. Ted Blain, English department chair and advisor to the Senior Distinction, now in its second year, says, "These students had already demonstrated in the course of their careers here that they have a passion. This program gives them a chance to pursue that interest."
The students welcomed community members to presentations on May 23, 2017, at which they shared their final products.

Photos from the projects are on the Woodberry Forest School Photo Album.

The 2017 Senior Distinctions

Maxwell Barnes wrote and performed a one-man play, Clap for Me. His mentors were Ray Smith and Connor Marr.

Trevor Barker and Charles Moorman researched, designed, created, tested, and set holds for three indoor climbing routes of a range of difficulty levels. Their mentors were Nolan LaVoie and Jesse Woody.

Thomas Bledsoe and Rocco Zaytoun worked with the school horticulturist and wrote a daily blog about campus flora, fertilizer, insecticide, weed control, and all other chemical, biological, and botanical considerations that go into making the place beautiful. Their mentors were Andy Clements and Wendy Allen.

Basil Boyd, Calder Clay, and Sutton Mahon divided the school's 1,200-acre campus into quadrants and studied the population of various species of animals sharing the space with the community; they used game cameras and built sand plots to measure and calculate biodiversity of three different types of habitat, river bank, field, and forest. Their mentor was Lewis Affronti.

James Carrington designed and created from whole cloth three seasonal outfits for the Woodberry student who wishes to be stylish and still observe the dress code. His mentor was Abbie Ryan.

Jonathan Hernandez wrote a sequence of original songs about his Woodberry experience and recorded them as an album. His mentor was Wallace Hornady.

Cordelia Hogan researched, choreographed, performed, and created a video showing three different versions of The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy drawing from the styles of classical ballet, jazz, and contemporary dance. Her mentor was Tim Stakem.

Parker Jacobs researched and visited the Civil War battlefields in our area and wrote a substantial research paper on the Valley Campaign of Stonewall Jackson. His mentors were Frank Tallman and Ben Hale.

Alex Krongard built a jet engine from scratch. His mentor was Denis Houyoux.

Richmond McDaniel and Michael Warren surveyed the forest land of the entire campus, measured over five hundred trees they believed to be marketable, determined the economic value of its timber, and explained how the school could manage sustainable growth if it ever decided to harvest any of the trees. Their mentor was Lewis Affronti.

Jackson Monroe interviewed every senior and compiled the story of his class in the second edition of Cigar Smoke, a magazine distributed to the senior class at graduation. His mentor was Linda Hogan.

Daniel Porter built a hydro turbine designed to generate electricity using the power of the Rapidan River. His mentor was Abbie Ryan. 

June Pyo Suh created in the laboratory an eco-friendly, durable insect repellent that employs both organic materials and naturally sourced polymers. He tested his formula's effectiveness by devising experiments using ants. His mentor was Paul Vickers.
Woodberry Forest admits students of any race, color, sexual orientation, disability, religious belief, and national or ethnic origin to all of the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sexual orientation, disability, religious belief, or national or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic or other school-administered programs. The school is authorized under federal law to enroll nonimmigrant students.